he caught a severe cold, which ran into pleurisy, and laid him up for about two months 意味
- ひどいかぜをひき, それがこじれて胸膜炎になり約 2 か月床についた
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- caught {動} : catch の過去?過去分詞形
- severe severe adj. 厳しい; 厳粛な. 【副詞】 excessively severe 過度に厳しい I began to
- which which 何の どの 孰 孰れ 何れ いずれ
- ran RAN {略-1} : Rainforest Action Network
- into {前-1} : ~の中へ、~の中に 5 into 30 is 6. 《数式》30÷5=6 They went into the shop to buy
- laid laid adj. [léid] 【動】 lay1の過去?過去分詞形.
- him HIM {略} : health information management 医療情報管理{いりょう じょうほう かんり}
- up 1up n. 上昇. 【動詞+】 He has had his ups and downs in life.
- about about adj. 今にも…しかけて. 【+to do】 The performance is about to begin.
- two two n. 2, 2 個. 【動詞+】 That makes two of us. 《口語》 私の場合も同じです,
- up for {1} :
- two months two months 二月 ふたつき
- laid up with a cold 《be ~》風邪{かぜ}をひいて休んでいる、風邪{かぜ}で寝ている
- to be laid up with a cold to be laid up with a cold 風邪で臥っている かぜでふせっている